Class Deque<E, R>

  1. Operations at Both Ends: Supports adding and removing elements at both the front and back of the queue. This allows it to be used as a stack (last in, first out) and a queue (first in, first out).
  2. Efficient Random Access: Being based on an array, it offers fast random access capability, allowing constant time access to any element.
  3. Continuous Memory Allocation: Since it is based on an array, all elements are stored contiguously in memory, which can bring cache friendliness and efficient memory access.
  4. Efficiency: Adding and removing elements at both ends of a deque is usually very fast. However, when the dynamic array needs to expand, it may involve copying the entire array to a larger one, and this operation has a time complexity of O(n).
  5. Performance jitter: Deque may experience performance jitter, but DoublyLinkedList will not

Type Parameters

  • E = any

  • R = any



  • The constructor initializes a Deque object with optional iterable of elements and options.

    Type Parameters

    • E = any

    • R = any


    • elements: IterableWithSizeOrLength<E> | IterableWithSizeOrLength<R> = []

      An iterable object (such as an array or a Set) that contains the initial elements to be added to the deque. It can also be an object with a length or size property that represents the number of elements in the iterable object. If no elements are provided, an empty deque

    • Optional options: DequeOptions<E, R>

      The options parameter is an optional object that can contain configuration options for the deque. In this code, it is used to set the bucketSize option, which determines the size of each bucket in the deque. If the bucketSize option is not provided or is not a number

    Returns Deque<E, R>


  • get bucketCount(): number
  • The function returns the number of buckets.

    Returns number

    The number of buckets.

  • get bucketFirst(): number
  • The function returns the value of the protected variable _bucketFirst.

    Returns number

    The value of the _bucketFirst property.

  • get bucketLast(): number
  • The function returns the value of the protected variable _bucketLast.

    Returns number

    The value of the _bucketLast property, which is a number.

  • get bucketSize(): number
  • The bucketSize function returns the size of the bucket.

    Returns number

    The size of the bucket

  • get buckets(): E[][]
  • The buckets function returns the buckets property of the object.

    Returns E[][]

    The buckets property

  • get first(): undefined | E
  • The function returns the first element in a collection if it exists, otherwise it returns undefined.

    Returns undefined | E

    The first element of the collection, of type E, is being returned.

  • get firstInBucket(): number
  • The function returns the value of the protected variable _firstInBucket.

    Returns number

    The method is returning the value of the variable _firstInBucket, which is of type number.

  • get last(): undefined | E
  • The last function returns the last element in the queue.

    Returns undefined | E

    The last element in the array

  • get lastInBucket(): number
  • The function returns the value of the protected variable _lastInBucket.

    Returns number

    The method is returning the value of the variable _lastInBucket, which is of type number.

  • get size(): number
  • The size function returns the number of items in the stack.

    Returns number

    The number of values in the set

  • get toElementFn(): undefined | ((rawElement) => E)
  • The function returns the _toElementFn property, which is a function that converts a raw element to a specific type.

    Returns undefined | ((rawElement) => E)

    The function get toElementFn() is returning either a function that takes a raw element rawElement of type R and returns an element E, or undefined if no function is assigned to _toElementFn.


  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The function is an implementation of the Symbol.iterator method that returns an IterableIterator.


    • Rest ...args: any[]

      The args parameter in the code snippet represents a rest parameter. It allows the function to accept any number of arguments as an array. In this case, the args parameter is used to pass any number of arguments to the _getIterator method.

    Returns IterableIterator<E>

  • Time Complexity: O(1) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The function calculates the bucket index and index within the bucket based on the given position.


    • pos: number

      The pos parameter represents the position within the data structure. It is a number that indicates the index or position of an element within the structure.

    Returns {
        bucketIndex: number;
        indexInBucket: number;

    an object with two properties: "bucketIndex" and "indexInBucket".

    • bucketIndex: number
    • indexInBucket: number
  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The above function is an implementation of the iterator protocol in TypeScript, allowing the object to be iterated over using a for...of loop.

    Returns IterableIterator<E>

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(n)

    The _reallocate function reallocates the buckets in an array, adding new buckets if needed.


    • Optional needBucketNum: number

      The needBucketNum parameter is an optional number that specifies the number of new buckets needed. If not provided, it will default to half of the current bucket count (this._bucketCount >> 1) or 1 if the current bucket count is less than 2.

    Returns void

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(n)

    The addAt function inserts one or more elements at a specified position in an array-like data structure.


    • pos: number

      The pos parameter represents the position at which the element(s) should be inserted. It is of type number.

    • element: E

      The element parameter represents the element that you want to insert into the array at the specified position.

    • Optional num: number = 1

      The num parameter represents the number of times the element should be inserted at the specified position (pos). By default, it is set to 1, meaning that the element will be inserted once. However, you can provide a different value for num if you want

    Returns boolean

    The size of the array after the insertion is being returned.

  • Time Complexity: O(1) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The at function retrieves an element at a specified position in an array-like data structure.


    • pos: number

      The pos parameter represents the position of the element that you want to retrieve from the data structure. It is of type number and should be a valid index within the range of the data structure.

    Returns E

    The element at the specified position in the data structure is being returned.

  • The below function is a generator that yields elements from a collection one by one.

    Returns Generator<E, any, unknown>

  • Time Complexity: O(1) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The clear() function resets the state of the object by initializing all variables to their default values.

    Returns void

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(n)

    The clone() function returns a new instance of the Deque class with the same elements and bucket size as the original instance.

    Returns Deque<E, R>

    The clone() method is returning a new instance of the Deque class with the same elements as the original deque (this) and the same bucket size.

  • Time Complexity: O(1) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The cut function updates the state of the object based on the given position and returns the updated size.


    • pos: number

      The pos parameter represents the position at which the string should be cut. It is a number that indicates the index of the character where the cut should be made.

    • isCutSelf: boolean = false

      If true, the original deque will not be cut, and return a new deque

    Returns Deque<E, any>

    The method is returning the updated size of the data structure.

  • Time Complexity: O(1) Space Complexity: O(1) or O(n)

    The cutRest function cuts the elements from a specified position in a deque and returns a new deque with the cut elements.


    • pos: number

      The pos parameter represents the position from which to cut the Deque. It is a number that indicates the index of the element in the Deque where the cut should start.

    • Optional isCutSelf: boolean = false

      isCutSelf is a boolean parameter that determines whether the original Deque should be modified or a new Deque should be created. If isCutSelf is true, the original Deque will be modified by cutting off elements starting from the specified position. If isCutSelf is false, a new De

    Returns Deque<E, any>

    The function cutRest returns either the modified original deque (this) or a new deque (newDeque) depending on the value of the isCutSelf parameter.

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The delete function removes all occurrences of a specified element from an array-like data structure.


    • element: E

      The element parameter represents the element that you want to delete from the data structure.

    Returns boolean

    The size of the data structure after the element has been deleted.

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1) or O(n)

    The deleteAt function removes an element at a specified position in an array-like data structure.


    • pos: number

      The pos parameter in the deleteAt function represents the position at which an element needs to be deleted from the data structure. It is of type number and indicates the index of the element to be deleted.

    Returns boolean

    The size of the data structure after the deletion operation is performed.

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The every function checks if every element in the array satisfies a given predicate.


    • predicate: ElementCallback<E, R, boolean, Deque<E, R>>

      The predicate parameter is a callback function that takes three arguments: the current element being processed, its index, and the array it belongs to. It should return a boolean value indicating whether the element satisfies a certain condition or not.

    • Optional thisArg: any

      The thisArg parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value to be used as this when executing the predicate function. If thisArg is provided, it will be passed as the this value to the predicate function. If thisArg is

    Returns boolean

    The every method is returning a boolean value. It returns true if every element in the array satisfies the provided predicate function, and false otherwise.

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(n)

    The filter function creates a new deque containing elements from the original deque that satisfy a given predicate function.


    • predicate: ElementCallback<E, R, boolean, Deque<E, R>>

      The predicate parameter is a callback function that takes three arguments: the current element being iterated over, the index of the current element, and the deque itself. It should return a boolean value indicating whether the element should be included in the filtered deque or not.

    • Optional thisArg: any

      The thisArg parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value to be used as this when executing the predicate function. If thisArg is provided, it will be passed as the this value to the predicate function. If thisArg is

    Returns Deque<E, R>

    The filter method is returning a new Deque object that contains the elements that satisfy the given predicate function.

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The find function iterates over the elements of an array-like object and returns the first element that satisfies the provided callback function.


    • callbackfn: ElementCallback<E, R, boolean, Deque<E, R>>

      The callbackfn parameter is a function that will be called for each element in the array. It takes three arguments: the current element being processed, the index of the current element, and the array itself. The function should return a boolean value indicating whether the current element matches the desired condition.

    • Optional thisArg: any

      The thisArg parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value to be used as this when executing the callbackfn function. If thisArg is provided, it will be passed as the this value to the callbackfn function. If thisArg @returns The findmethod returns the first element in the array that satisfies the provided callback function. If no element satisfies the callback function,undefined` is returned.

    Returns undefined | E

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The forEach function iterates over each element in an array-like object and calls a callback function for each element.


    • callbackfn: ElementCallback<E, R, void, Deque<E, R>>

      The callbackfn parameter is a function that will be called for each element in the array. It takes three arguments: the current element being processed, the index of the current element, and the array that forEach was called upon.

    • Optional thisArg: any

      The thisArg parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value to be used as this when executing the callbackfn function. If thisArg is provided, it will be passed as the this value to the callbackfn function. If `thisArg

    Returns void

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The function checks if a given element exists in a collection.


    • element: E

      The parameter "element" is of type E, which means it can be any type. It represents the element that we want to check for existence in the collection.

    Returns boolean

    a boolean value. It returns true if the element is found in the collection, and false otherwise.

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The function "indexOf" returns the index of the first occurrence of a given element in an array, or -1 if the element is not found.


    • element: E

      The "element" parameter represents the element that you want to find the index of in the data structure.

    Returns number

    The indexOf function returns the index of the first occurrence of the specified element in the data structure. If the element is not found, it returns -1.

  • Time Complexity: O(1) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The function checks if the size of an object is equal to zero and returns a boolean value.

    Returns boolean

    A boolean value indicating whether the size of the object is 0 or not.

  • The map function takes a callback function and applies it to each element in the deque, returning a new deque with the results.

    Type Parameters

    • EM

    • RM


    • callback: ElementCallback<E, R, EM, Deque<E, R>>

      The callback parameter is a function that will be called for each element in the deque. It takes three arguments: the current element, the index of the element, and the deque itself. It should return a value of type EM.

    • Optional toElementFn: ((rawElement) => EM)

      The toElementFn parameter is an optional function that can be used to transform the raw element (RM) into a new element (EM) before adding it to the new deque. If provided, this function will be called for each raw element in the original deque.

        • (rawElement): EM
        • Parameters

          • rawElement: RM

          Returns EM

    • Optional thisArg: any

      The thisArg parameter is an optional argument that allows you to specify the value of this within the callback function. It is used to set the context or scope in which the callback function will be executed. If thisArg is provided, it will be used as the value of

    Returns Deque<EM, RM>

    a new Deque object with elements of type EM and raw elements of type RM.

  • Time Complexity: O(1) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The pop() function removes and returns the last element from a data structure, updating the internal state variables accordingly.

    Returns undefined | E

    The element that was removed from the data structure is being returned.

  • Time Complexity - Amortized O(1) (possible reallocation), Space Complexity - O(n) (due to potential resizing).

    The push function adds an element to a data structure and reallocates memory if necessary.


    • element: E

      The element parameter represents the value that you want to add to the data structure.

    Returns boolean

    The size of the data structure after the element has been pushed.

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The reduce function iterates over the elements of an array-like object and applies a callback function to reduce them into a single value.

    Type Parameters

    • U


    • callbackfn: ReduceElementCallback<E, R, U, Deque<E, R>>

      The callbackfn parameter is a function that will be called for each element in the array. It takes four arguments:

    • initialValue: U

      The initialValue parameter is the initial value of the accumulator. It is the value that the accumulator starts with before the reduction operation begins.

    Returns U

    The reduce method is returning the final value of the accumulator after iterating over all the elements in the array and applying the callback function to each element.

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The reverse() function reverses the order of the buckets and the elements within each bucket in a data structure.

    Returns Deque<E, R>

    The reverse() method is returning the object itself (this) after performing the reverse operation on the buckets and updating the relevant properties.

  • The function reverseBegin() is a generator that yields elements in reverse order starting from the last element.

    Returns Generator<E, any, unknown>

  • Time Complexity: O(1) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The setAt function sets an element at a specific position in an array-like data structure.


    • pos: number

      The pos parameter represents the position at which the element needs to be set. It is of type number.

    • element: E

      The element parameter is the value that you want to set at the specified position in the data structure.

    Returns boolean

  • Time Complexity: O(1) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The shift() function removes and returns the first element from a data structure, updating the internal state variables accordingly.

    Returns undefined | E

    The element that is being removed from the beginning of the data structure is being returned.

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(n)

    The shrinkToFit function reorganizes the elements in an array-like data structure to minimize memory usage.

    Returns void

    Nothing is being returned. The function is using the return statement to exit early if this.size is 0, but it does not return any value.

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The "some" function checks if at least one element in a collection satisfies a given predicate.


    • predicate: ElementCallback<E, R, boolean, Deque<E, R>>

      The predicate parameter is a callback function that takes three arguments: value, index, and array. It should return a boolean value indicating whether the current element satisfies the condition.

    • Optional thisArg: any

      The thisArg parameter is an optional argument that specifies the value to be used as the this value when executing the predicate function. If thisArg is provided, it will be passed as the this value to the predicate function. If `thisArg

    Returns boolean

    a boolean value. It returns true if the predicate function returns true for any element in the collection, and false otherwise.

  • Time Complexity: O(n log n) Space Complexity: O(n)

    The sort function sorts the elements in a data structure using a provided comparator function.


    • Optional comparator: ((x, y) => number)

      The comparator parameter is a function that takes in two elements x and y of type E and returns a number. The comparator function is used to determine the order of the elements in the sorted array.

        • (x, y): number
        • Parameters

          • x: E
          • y: E

          Returns number

    Returns Deque<E, R>


  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(n)

    The toArray function converts the elements of a data structure into an array.

    Returns E[]

    The toArray() method is returning an array of elements of type E.

  • Time Complexity: O(n) Space Complexity: O(1)

    The unique() function removes duplicate elements from an array-like data structure and returns the number of unique elements.

    Returns Deque<E, R>

    The size of the modified array is being returned.

  • Time Complexity: Amortized O(1) Space Complexity: O(n)

    The unshift function adds an element to the beginning of an array-like data structure and returns the new size of the structure.


    • element: E

      The element parameter represents the element that you want to add to the beginning of the data structure.

    Returns boolean

    The size of the data structure after the element has been added.

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